JohnJay "JP" Portillo
Harris County Precinct 3 Constable
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Together let’s Take back our Community
Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Impact The Community!
Help "JP" make a difference
There are many ways to volunteer,
from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.
Here are ways you can help:
HOST a Meet & Greet
If you would like to get to meet JP one on one simply call the campaign office at 832-896-7891 and schedule a time for JP to come by and sit down with you and your neighbors to discuss your concerns and ask JP questions.
Would you like to host a fundraiser in your area? Let us know when and where. We will help coordinate and setup the event for you. All you have to do is invite residents and business owners to come out and have a night full of awesome food, fun and excitement.
Would you like to volunteer and get involved in making a difference in your community? Maybe you would like to help us make phone calls on behalf of the JP campaign to the residents in the community asking for their support. Maybe you would like to block walk with us the different neighborhoods in the community to help spread the word one voter at a time. Maybe you would like to put a campaign sign at one of your businesses or in your front yard? However you would like to get involved simply call us or send us a message and we will get you started.
Join the JohnJay "JP" Portillo Campaign
JohnJay "JP" Portillo
PO Box 96126
Houston, Texas 77213
Tel: 832-896-7891